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Frequently Asked Questions

It's a private activity of people coming together to inspire, encourage, prosper, and enriching eachothers lives through the power of gifting. This is not a business, not a job, not a gifting club. It's a private one on one activity between two or more consenting adults. We don’t recruit people, sell anything, make money, profiting nor have any kind of investments of any sort.

No, the system is created to make it a level playing field for everyone. Plus everyone has a extra $5 bucks, right? Of course they do! So everyone starts out by sending just $5.00. There are additional tiers as you enter year 2 and beyond.

The process is super simple to follow. First you join and become a member by sending your $5 to your inviter or inviter’s inviter. You invite 2 people to join. The first is your pass-up and the second person goes to your receiving line. This is totally automated by the software.

A pass-up is the first person who you’ve invited into the program. This person qualifies you to start receiving money. This person is placed on your inviter’s receiving line. And every person who you invite into the program will also send you their pledge, additionally, everyone's first person also sends you their pledge which is referred to as the pass-up.

The Power of Two is that you only need to find 2 people to join. The first person is your pass-up and the second person starts your receiving line.

Yes, you can have as many receiving lines as you'd like.

Every person who you personally invite into the program, not only does that person send you their pledge, but every first person they invite, sends you their pledge. And these receiving lines can go to infinity.

The Power of Two is that you only need to find 2 people to join. The first person is your pass-up and the second person starts your receiving line.

Everyone has their own password protected CRM backoffice that tracks your activity to keep you organized. Additionally, there's a Resource Center in your backoffice that has all the ads, videos, texts and scripts for your use.

The membership pledge covers all the technical details, software fees, legal staff, admin staff, web hosting, internet fees, domain name and additional future expenses. The first 30 days is FREE, then the 2nd month, you'll send a pledge to the Admin of $5.00/month or $50.00/year and save 2 months. There are additional levels starting in years 2 and beyond for you to receive more money, create more receiving lines, and generate money faster which will increase the membership pledge accordingly.

Every 5th person who joins you either from pass-ups or who you’ve personally invited automatically increases your weekly pledge in $5 increments and adds to the previous weeks' pledge.

Yes, According to United States IRS tax codes cash gifting is legal. The law states that individuals can give a gift to another individual of up to $19,000 each per calendar year without any tax liability to either the giver or receiver of the gift, because the tax on the gift has already been paid. For more information on IRS Tax Codes regarding cash gifts see: Title 26, Sections 2501-2504, 2511.

According to Google, there are thousands of people a week looking for a side gig or work from home opportunity, so people can be found everywhere. You can post ads on internet sites, FB friends, TikTok video, YouTube, text from your contact list, post flyers, the possibilities are endless. And actually, they will find you, just like how you found your inviter.

No because every person's situation changes. Every day people are retiring, getting laid off, quitting their job, starting a family or just looking for an extra way to generate more money.

Well the good news is this is good and is true.

People gift money all the time, whether it's for birthdays, holidays, celebration or charity.

We're not giving tax advice, but the money has already been taxed when the person received their paycheck, so the IRS just isn’t taxing the money twice.

A gifting letter is a legal document stating that a gift was freely given from one person to another.

Anyone over 18 who is looking to generate extra cash utilizing this incredible platform.

No, this is a private activity, so it's not a business or job, there are no products/services/income. Therefore it's 100% legal to receive money from others. We don’t make any money. We receive gifts sent voluntarily from others.

Keep in mind, since this is NOT a business, we don't make money.... We are simply and legally receiving money. You can receive as much or as little as your efforts allow. This makes it a level playing field for everyone. Our goal is to bring you joy, happiness and abundance in your life. There are no expectations of receiving anything.

We have plans to make this worldwide in the future

If you don't promote the program, you shouldn't even join. Finding people is super simple. But to answer the question, you'll continue to send your inviter $5/week until you get two people or leave the program.

No. And we encourage you to just invite people to the website and then the Guest Zoom Q&A calls so they can get their questions answered and you can enjoy your Time Freedom. We are not soliciting, recruiting, pressuring or forcing anyone to join.

You can write your login credentials and store them in a safe place so that your family member or whomever you select can aquire your account upon that individual agreeing to the terms and conditions of the program. This can start a family legacy. Consult with your legal counsel for any clarification.

In the unlikely event that a person fails to send their weekly pledge to their inviter, they will receive notifications giving that person notice that they are in jeopardy of being removed from the program. If they don't send their weekly gift, he/she forfeits their receiving lines and is removed from the program. That person's receiving lines will be reallocated to the Admin account.

If you don't adhere to the terms and conditions, you'll be immediately terminated from the program and no refunds will be given. Additionally,, if you don't agree with the answers to all of the above questions, then we suggest that you don’t join.